Elizabeth Lucy is smart and a brilliant girl. Seeing the unique potential of Elizabeth, the Maria Africa Foundation is paying her tuition to become a registered nurse in Nigeria. When she graduates, she would be able to provide for herself and help her siblings and other people in her village. Miss Lucy says: “The ability to be in a school of nursing would not have been possible without the Maria Africa Foundation. I am so grateful and overjoyed”. Love from Elizabeth!
MaryJane also has impoverished parents and lacks the funds needed for school. Thanks to MAF, her mother says: “Thank you, Maria Africa, for supporting my family, especially for giving my daughter, MaryJane, an opportunity to succeed.”

Around the village the story is the same. People living in mud huts with not enough food to eat. MAF visits frequently to make sure they have rice, water, and money for supplies. This grateful man says: “My wife and I with our six children live in this hut without good nutrition and other necessities of life. Thank you, Maria Africa Foundation, for sending Fr. Simon to give me and my family a donation and a chance.
“We love Maria Africa. Without you we would not be in school today!”

Mary lost her parents at her early age and cannot go to school. Maria Africa provided an opportunity for her to go to school through the tuition assistance program. Now, Mary has a God mother (Kira) here in Arizona who adopted her and supporting her education through the Maria Africa Foundation.
“Thank you, Kira, for being my God mother and giving me the opportunity to receive secondary education through the Maria Africa Foundation. You have given a great gift to me and my family.” Mary says!