The Lipari School and Maria Africa Foundation Make It Possible
For children in Nigeria, the only way out of poverty is through education. Now, Maria Africa Foundation (MAF) and the Lipari family are making that possible.
Through their joint efforts, the Lipari Learning Academy hopes to make education accessible to children in Ihitte-Uboma, a remote Nigerian community. The Lipari family and friends initiated funding for the academy, which will bring primary and secondary education (K-12), to children who otherwise have little to no access to a good education.

The academy will serve children in eight different communities surrounding Ihitte-Uboma. These are children who would normally walk between five to 10 miles each day to attend an available public school on roads that are often wrought with danger. Only then, would the children arrive at schools that are dilapidated, lack furniture, school supplies – even chairs.
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The Lipari Learning Academy hopes to change all that. They will provide a high-quality education in a well-furnished learning environment where students can break the cycle of poverty, achieve their potential and become contributing members of their community. In addition this much-needed education and academic excellence, the academy will also create much-needed job opportunities for people living in the community.
“We are honored to pay it forward,” said the Lipari’s. “The bible encourages each of us to share our time, talent and treasure with those in need. We feel blessed to have this opportunity to be servants to others.”

The academy will have classrooms to educate 45 full-time students in addition to a library, offices, lunchroom and restroom facilities. It will also have provisions for a mini football field, playground, gymnasium and basketball court to promote teamwork, exercise, outdoor activities and a sense of well-being.

The Maria Africa Foundation sincerely thanks the Lipari Family for making this dream come true for the children and the people of Ihitte-Uboma, Nigeria, as we thank all the donors who support the Maria Africa Foundation. They say it takes a village and it’s true. We simply could not make this happen with the selfless generosity of our donors.
Your support will make a difference the lives of many people. As Christ said, wherever you serve the least of my brothers, know that you serve me.